Introduction to the SURE Guides

Purpose of the guides

This series of guides is intended to help you prepare and support the use of an evidence-based policy brief. The first guide in this series provides an introduction to policy briefs, what they should include, and how they can be used.

How the guides relate to the SUPPORT Tools

The SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) are a series of articles written for those responsible for making decisions about health policies and programmes, and the people who support these decision makers. This series of articles is intended to help people ensure that their decisions are well-informed by the best available research evidence. The SUPPORT Tools are included in a library at the end of the SURE Guides.  They are also available in Chinese at, and in French, Portuguese and Spanish at

The SURE Guides build upon the existing SUPPORT Tools. However, they have a more focused target audience (namely those responsible for preparing and supporting the use of policy briefs in Africa) and a narrower focus (the preparation and use of policy briefs). The guides are specifically intended to provide detailed instructions and resources for the preparation of evidence-based policy briefs and to support their use. In addition to building on the SUPPORT Tools, the guides are being further refined through ongoing testing and evaluation as part of the SURE collaborative project.


How the guides are organised

There are eight SURE Guides. The first two provide background information about getting started and setting priorities for policy briefs. The next four guides address how to prepare a policy brief. The last two address how to use a policy brief.

  1. Getting started
  2. Setting priorities for policy briefs

How to prepare a policy brief
  1. Clarifying the problem
  2. Deciding on and describing options to address the problem
  3. Identifying and addressing barriers to implementing the options
  4. Clarifying uncertainties, and needs for monitoring and evaluation

How to use a policy brief
  1. Organising and running policy dialogues
  2. Informing and engaging stakeholders


What's in the SURE Guides

Each of the eight guides contains:

At the end of the guides there are libraries containing:

How to use the guides

The guides are intended to be a user resource. Information can be accessed in any of the following ways:


How you can help

As you use the guides, please complete the evaluation form that is provided with the ‘Additional resources’ section of each guide and in the library found at the end of the guides.

Your evaluation of the usefulness of these guides and your suggestions for improvements will help us to make them better and more fit for purpose. If you prefer, you can also send comments and suggestions to without using the evaluation form.

This page was last updated November 2011.