SUPPORT Summaries

Bastías G, Rada G. Do pharmaceutical pricing and purchasing policies have effects on drug use, health care utilisation, health outcomes and costs? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Ciapponi A, García Martí S. What are the impacts of policies regarding direct patient payments for drugs? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.
Dudley LD, Wiysonge CS. Does giving women their own clinical case notes to carry during pregnancy improve maternal care? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.
Steinmann P. Is general practice effective? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011.

Okwundu CI, Wiysonge CS. Do printed educational materials have any effects on professional practice and health care outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2009.
Flottorp S. Do continuing education meetings and workshops improve professional practice and health-care outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Gabriel Bastías and Cristian Herrera. Do the Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems have effects on Practitioner Performance and Patient Outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. March 2009.
Wiysonge CS. What are the benefits and harms of direct to consumer advertising? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. December 2010.
Ciapponi A, García Martí S. Does how primary care physicians are paid impact on their behaviour? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Ciapponi A, García Martí S. What are the impacts of health sector accreditation? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. March 2009.
Wiysonge CS. Which clinical guideline dissemination strategies improve professional practice? A SUP-PORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.
Okwundu CI. Which interventions increase the recruitment and retention of health workers practising in under-served and rural areas? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. April 2011.

Flottorp S. Do specialist outreach visits in primary care and rural hospital settings improve care? A SUP-PORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.
Nkonki L, Wiysonge CS. Which primary care-based interventions promote breastfeeding? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Wiysonge CS, Okwundu CI. Does midwife-led care improve the delivery of care to women during and after pregnancy? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. December 2010.

Rada G. What are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to medication? A SUPPORT Sum-mary of a systematic review. January 2011.

Wiysonge CS, Chopra M. Do nurse practitioners working in primary care provide equivalent care to doc-tors? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.
Rada G. What are the impacts of interventions to reduce medical errors? A SUPPORT Summary of a sys-tematic review. September 2009.

Flottorp S. Does providing healthcare professionals with data about ther performance improve their practice? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Ciapponi A, García Martí S. Do economic incentives for consumers improve their preventive behaviour? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. January 2011.

Steinmann P. Does social franchising have an effect on access to and quality of health services in low- and middle-income countries?. A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011.

Bastías G, Rada G. Does contracting out services improve improve access to care in low- and middle- income countries? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Pantoja T. Do conditional cash transfers improve the uptake of health interventions in low and middle-income countries? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Flottorp S, Glenton C, Lewin S. Do lay or community health workers in primary health care improve maternal and child health and tuberculosis outcomes?. A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. January 2011.

Steinmann P. Is peer education effective for HIV prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2010.

Wiysonge CS. Which outreach strategies expand health insurance coverage for children? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. December 2010.

Herrera C. What are the impacts of consumer involvement in developing healthcare policy, research and patient information material? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. December 2010.

Ciapponi A, García Martí S. Do educational outreach visits improve health professional practice or patient outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Steinmann P. Can in-service training of health professionals improve resuscitation of seriously ill new-born and children in low-income countries? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011.

Rada G. What are the effects of using drugs packaged in unit doses to treat malaria? A SUPPORT Sum-mary of a systematic review. February 2011.

Suleman F. Do additional services provided by pharmacists reduce healthcare costs or the demand for healthcare in low- and middle-income countries? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2011.

Steinmann P. Do changes in the pre-licensure education of health workers have an effect on health worker supply? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. October 2010.

Penaloza B, Rada G. Does Paediatric Home Care improve children health outcomes? A SUPPORT Sum-mary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Wiysonge CS. Can working with private for-profit providers improve utilization and quality of health services for the poor? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Dudley LD. Wiysonge CS. Does critical incident audit and feedback improve perinatal and maternal mor-tality and morbidity? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Steinmann P. Do interventions for controlling emigration of health professionals from low- and middle-income countries work? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011.

Okwundu CI. Can clinical governance improve the quality of general practice and primary care? A SUP-PORT Summary of a systematic review. April 2011.

Dudley L, Wiysonge CS. Does interprofessional education improve professional practice and health care outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Dudley LD, Wiysonge CS. Do interventions to improve communication between health professionals and women improve maternity care? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

Steinmann P. Improving the nursing work environment: which interventions work? A SUPPORT Sum-mary of a systematic review. December 2010.

Ciapponi A, García Martí S. Does specialty board certification improve clinical outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. March 2009.

Lewin S. Does training traditional bith attendants improve health behaviours and pregnancy outcomes? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. August 2008.

Dudley LD. Do maternity waiting facilities improve maternal and perinatal outcomes in low resource settings? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. May 2011.

Pantoja T, Rada G. How often routine antenatal care for low-risk women should be provided, and by whom? A SUPPORT Summary of a systematic review. September 2009.

This page was last updated November 2011.