Additional resources

Evaluation form
A form forevaluating the SURE guides

A glossary of terms used in the guides

A pdf version of this guide

A worksheet for planning a priority-setting process for policy briefs

SUPPORT Tool for priority setting
Questions to consider when developing a priority-setting process for supporting evidence-informed health policymaking.

Priority setting for guidelines
A review of priority-setting processes for evidence-based guidelines

Example of a lack of a formal priority-setting process in Ethiopia

Mamuye Hadis

Mamuye Hadis talks about how a formal priority-setting process did not occur for a policy brief in Ethiopia.

(MP4, 2 minutes 37 seconds)  Can't see video controller?   Play it in your media player.

Example of a lack of formal priority-setting process in Ethiopia

Example of a priority setting process in Uganda

Worksheet for summarising a priority-setting process
A worksheet for reporting a priority-setting process.

Examples of priority setting processes
Examples of completed worksheets describing a priority-setting process: priority setting in Uganda, priority setting in Zambia

Example of a priority-setting process in Uganda

Harriet Nabudere

Harriet Nabudere speaking about priority setting in Uganda.

(MP4, 7 minutes 10 seconds)  Can't see video controller?   Play it in your media player.

Example of a priority-setting process in Zambia

Picture of Lonia Mwape

Lonia Mwape speaking about how the topic of a policy brief was selected in Zambia.

(MP4, 1 minute 36 seconds)  Can't see video controller?   Play it in your media player.

Worksheet for summarising the reasons for prioritising a policy brief
A worksheet for summarising the reasons for prioritising a particular topic

Workshop materials for priority-setting for policy briefs
Guides for a workshop and a PowerPoint presentation on setting priorities for policy briefs

This page was last updated November 2011.