EPOC has just completed the first version of a template for qualitative evidence syntheses (QES). The template includes recommended text, guidance and examples for the different components of a qualitative evidence protocol and synthesis. The template also links to guidance from the Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group. The template is available at https://zenodo.org/record/5973704#.Y48w3nbMI2w.
We also have a Word version from which users can cut and paste from into their protocol / synthesis, for example when using the Revman flexible template. Please feel free to request the Word version from Liz Paulsen (ElizabethJoan.Paulsen@fhi.no).
We realise that there are many aspects of QES that are not fully covered by the template, and would welcome your feedback on where the text and guidance can be improved or added to. We plan to update the template as our experience with these kinds of reviews grows.
Thanks to Claire Glenton for leading the team (Liz Paulsen, Meghan Bohren, Soo Downe and Simon Lewin) undertaking this work.