Additional resources

Evaluation form
A form to allow you to complete an evaluation of the SURE guide

A glossary of terms used in the guides

Pdf version of this guide

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on deciding and describing policy options

Strategies for finding systematic reviews
Tips for finding systematic reviews

SUPPORT Tool on using research evidence to frame options to address a problem
Guidance on using research evidence to frame options to address a problem

Search log worksheet
A worksheet for documenting searches for systematic reviews

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on finding systematic reviews

SUPPORT Tool on finding systematic reviews
Questions to consider when looking for systematic reviews

SUPPORT Tool for assessing the applicability of the findings of a systematic review
Questions to consider when assessing the applicability of the findings of a systematic review

SURE checklist for making judgements about how much confidence to place in a systematic review

A checklist for making judgements about how much confidence to place in a systematic review

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on how much confidence to place in a systematic review

SUPPORT Tool on deciding how much confidence to place in a systematic review
Questions to consider when deciding how much confidence to place in a systematic review

GRADE factors affecting the quality of evidence
Factors that can lower or raise our confidence in estimates of effect

SURE worksheets for preparing a summary of findings using GRADE
SURE worksheets for preparing a summary of findings using GRADE, including examples of completed worksheets

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on summarising findings

SUPPORT Tool on using research evidence in balancing the pros and cons of policies
Questions to consider when balancing the pros and cons of policy options

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on finding and using local evidence

Local evidence worksheet
Worksheet for searching for and assessing local evidence

SUPPORT Tool for finding and using evidence about local conditions
Questions to consider when finding and using local evidence

Guides to using economic analyses
Guide A and Guide B

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on costs and cost effectiveness

Worksheet for finding and assessing evidence about costs and cost-effectiveness
A worksheet to help with finding and assessing the quality of research evidence about costs and cost-effectiveness

SUPPORT Tool for finding and using research evidence about resource use and costs
Questions to consider when finding and using research evidence about resource use and costs

SUPPORT Tool for taking equity into consideration when assessing the findings of a systematic review
Questions to consider about equity when assessing the findings of a systematic review

Worksheet for taking equity into consideration
A worksheet for considering the impact on equity of an option

Workshop materials and presentations
Workshop materials and a PowerPoint presentation on taking equity into consideration in policy briefs

This page was last updated November 2011.